This week’s guest on “A Quirky Journey” is a young lady who has been fighting an auto-immune disease since she was 14, and shares her story of her ups and downs, and how GAPS is helping her in her quest to heal her body. Rachel Favilla is just 18 years old, but her maturity and knowledge of nutrition, gut health, auto immune disease, and cooking ‘meals that heal’ is astounding! This is one amazing young lady!
Rachel is the author of the blog, “Real Soup for the Real Soul”, where she shares her delicious, GAPS friendly recipes. She is studying nutritional medicine at the Endeavour College of Natural Health, and wants to become a nutritionist, with a focus on healing the gut.
Listen in as Rachel shares lots of tips for learning how to heal your body, and how to cook for good health in a way that is simple and easy for everyone.
Real Soup for the Real Soul:
The post AQJ 23 : Rachel Favilla: Fighting an Auto-Immune Disease appeared first on The Wellness Couch.